What Beginners to Internet Marketing should know. Internet Marketing experiences that will clear the clouds as a beginner to Internet Marketing.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Introduction to Internet Marketing for Beginners

As a newbie to Internet Marketing I was initially confused...

The questions keeps nagging in my mind whenever I see a well crafted, extremely compelling headline and sales page touting "Secrets" that will sky rocket your earnings.

And those softwares promising thousands of dollars with just a few clicks of your mouse, Have You Been Overwhelmed Too?

Even as a web developer, experienced in building websites for others..

I was Really OVERWHELMED!!....
The burning question I had was:
What really is Internet Marketing?
- Is Internet Marketing just a Hype?
- What are the important thing I really need to learn in Internet Marketing?
- Are there really "secrets" that I should know, but don't???

If you faced the same questions now when reading this...

I seriously think you could benefit from this little
video introduction to Internet Marketing..

Watch it first, it could clear up some of your burning questions..